New Free Read: Her Own Way

In 1908 Isabella wrote a novel called Her Own Way.

Like her novels Interrupted, The Long Road Home, and Wanted, Her Own Way is very much a story for adults. It is also a cautionary tale about the trouble that can come when believers place their trust in another person rather than in God.

Book cover showing the interior of an artist's studio, with a table filled with sketches, paint brushes. On an easel is a portrait of a beautiful young woman wearing a high-neck, long-sleeved gown from about 1908.

Mrs. Eastman has always been proud of her beautiful, head-strong daughter Carol and the lovely Christian woman she’s become. Although Carol’s willful ways have caused difficulties in the past, Mrs. Eastman has always been able to gently lead her daughter back to the fold of the faithful.

But when Carol makes the acquaintance of the new church choir director, Mrs. Eastman soon finds her influence waning, as Carol begins to fall deeper under the spell of a man capable of betraying them all.

You can read Her Own Way for free!

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Her Own Way is not at all like the novels Isabella wrote early in her writing career. What did you think of the book? Do you think the story has relevance for today’s readers?